36 ChatGPT Tools and Extensions for Optimizing Your AI Experience

There are already hundreds of ChatGPT Tools, Extensions, Plugins out there. We went through the most popular ones and bring you a non-exhaustive list of the ones that you really should try!

To truly optimize your AI experience with ChatGPT, there are several extensions and ChatGPT tools available that can enhance its capabilities and make it even more user-friendly.

In this article, we’ll look at the 36 most popular ChatGPT tools and extensions currently available, and explore what each one does and how it can benefit you.

The ChatGPT Plus version is out for US users. If you want to have your say about keeping ChatGPT free, visit this link and have your say. Add your email to the ChatGPT Plus waitlist.

List of ChatGPT Tools with Links to Their Websites

These ChatGPT tools are developed by ChatGPT developers from around the world and are sure to take your online experience to the next class.

  1. Ada | ChatGPT-powered Customer Support Agent
  2. askai | A Command Line Interface for ChatGPT
  3. ChatGPT Android | ChatGPT for Android with Stream Chat SDK
  4. ChatGPT API (unofficial version) | Node.js wrapper around ChatGPT by OpenAI
  5. ChatGPT Chrome Extension | enables access to OpenAI’s ChatGPT on the web
  6. chatgpt-conversation | enables you to chat directly with ChatGPT
  7. ChatGPT Desktop App | Desktop version of ChatGPT
  8. ChatGPT Discord Bot | interact with ChatGPT via Discord Server
  9. ChatGPT for Google | displays ChatGPT response alongside Google Search Results
  10. ChatGPT for VSCode | use ChatGPT via VSCode extension
  11. ChatGPT Homework | do your homework with ChatGPT
  12. ChatGPT HTML website | use ChatGPT prompts and Replit to build an HTML website
  13. ChatGPT JSON to CSV | Convert JSON to CSV with ChatGPT
  14. ChatGPT + Midjourney | Enjoy a Fully Narrated and Illustrated Story
  15. ChatGPT PR code review | get GitHub Reviews
  16. SiriGPT | Connects your ChatGPT with your iPhone
  17. ChatGPT SVG icon to Figma | create SVG icons and send them to Figma
  18. ChatGPT Telegram bot | sync your Telegram account with ChatGPT
  19. ChatGPT WordPress plugin | use ChatGPT to develop a WordPress plugin
  20. Chatsonic | add cool new features to your chatGPT interface
  21. commitgpt | generate commits from your ChatGPT dash
  22. docGPT | integrate ChatGPT with your Google Docs
  23. GPTZero | discover academic plagiarism
  24. IntelliJ IDEA ChatGPT | Run ChatGPT on JetBrains
  25. MenuGPT | Integrate ChatGPT in your DeviceMenu bar
  26. Poe by Quora | Platform for Exploration – easily interact with AI
  27. Promptheus | Use Spacebar to Talk directly to ChatGPT
  28. Raycast ChatGPT | use your Command Bar to Talk with ChatGPT
  29. Rupert.finance | Enjoy this Sassy AI finance robot
  30. ShareGPT | Share your ChatGPT Chats with one click
  31. showGPT | Collection of best ChatGPT Prompts
  32. Summarize with ChatGPT | Summarize entire websites with one click
  33. Twitter ChatGPT bot | create Twitter responses and @mentions with this plugin
  34. WeChat ChatGPT | integrate ChatGPT with WeChat via wechaty
  35. WhatsApp ChatGPT Bot | Connect to OpenAI ChatGPT via WhatsApp
  36. Notes for ChatGPT | Use Zoho Notebook to save your ChatGPT conversations

We have also prepared a list of 11 ChatGPT extensions, tools and plugins – which you can check out on this link, accompanied by 6 step-by-step guides on how to use them and install them.

We asked ChatGPT Which ChatGPT Tools it Would Create – These are its Responses

As a developer, I would create the following tools using ChatGPT:

  1. ChatGPT Customer Service:
    This tool would be a conversational AI-powered customer service solution that could handle a variety of customer inquiries and provide instant and accurate responses. ChatGPT’s ability to understand the context and provide relevant information would make it an ideal candidate for this type of tool.
  2. ChatGPT Personal Assistant:
    This tool would be a virtual personal assistant that could help users manage their daily tasks, such as scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and answering questions. ChatGPT’s ability to understand natural language and interact with users would make it the perfect candidate for this type of tool.
  3. ChatGPT Language Translation:
    This tool would be a real-time language translation solution that could translate text and speech between languages. ChatGPT’s ability to understand and generate text in multiple languages would make it the ideal candidate for this type of tool.
  4. ChatGPT Content Creation:
    This tool would be a content creation solution that could help users generate high-quality content for a variety of purposes, such as blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions. ChatGPT’s ability to understand the context and generate creative and compelling text would make it the perfect candidate for this type of tool.
chatgpt tools as per chatgpt ideas

ChatGPT added: “I would create these tools using ChatGPT because of its ability to understand natural language, generate high-quality text, and interact with users in a conversational manner. These capabilities make ChatGPT an ideal candidate for a variety of AI-powered tools.

Need inspiration for some high-quality ChatGPT Prompts? We have done the work for you – check them out here.

What do you think of its ideas? Getting inspired by ChatGPT already? 🙂

11 Must-Have ChatGPT Plugins and Tools for Optimizing Your Chatbot Experience in 2023

ChatGPT plugins and browser extensions are additional software components or modules that can be added to the ChatGPT language model to enhance its functionality or performance.

These plugins may include features such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and other capabilities that can be used to improve the overall chatbot experience.

They are essential tools and libraries that can be integrated with the core ChatGPT model to provide additional functionality or to customize the model for specific use cases.

In the meantime, learn more about ChatGPT Plus and – if you want to get on the ChatGPT Plus waitlist – sign up here! ChatGPT Plus is already released in the US – it costs $20 per month (240 dollars per year).

ChatGPT-powered Chatbot Plugin and Extension Solutions

ChatGPT, the powerful language model developed by OpenAI, has become a popular choice for creating chatbots and other natural language processing (NLP) applications. But did you know that you can enhance the functionality of ChatGPT even further with the use of plugins and browser extensions?

ChatGPT plugins and extensions are additional software components or modules that can be added to the ChatGPT model to improve its capabilities. These plugins can include natural language processing (NLP) tools, sentiment analysis, and other features that can be used to optimize the chatbot experience.

Before we dig into already developed ChatGPT plugins, here are 11 toolkits you can use alongside ChatGPT:

  1. NLP toolkits: These plugins provide advanced NLP functionality such as tokenization, stemming, and part-of-speech tagging, which can be used to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your chatbot.
  2. Sentiment analysis: This plugin can be used to detect the sentiment or emotion expressed in text, which can be useful for understanding user feedback or detecting negative comments.
  3. Speech recognition: This plugin can be used to convert speech to text, allowing users to interact with your chatbot through voice commands.
  4. Text-to-speech: This plugin can be used to convert text to speech, allowing your chatbot to respond to users in a natural-sounding voice.
  5. Image recognition: This plugin can be used to identify and label objects in images, allowing your chatbot to understand visual information.
  6. Language translation: This plugin can be used to translate text from one language to another, making your chatbot more accessible to users who speak different languages.
  7. Knowledge base: This plugin can be used to connect your chatbot to a knowledge base, allowing it to provide users with accurate and up-to-date information.
  8. Chatbot analytics: This plugin can be used to track and analyze user interactions with your chatbot, providing valuable insights into how it’s being used and how it can be improved.
  9. Integrations: These plugins can be used to connect your chatbot to other platforms such as social media, messaging apps, and e-commerce platforms, allowing it to reach a wider audience.
  10. Customizable templates: This plugin can be used to create customized templates for your chatbot, allowing you to tailor its appearance and functionality to match your brand.
  11. Advanced dialogue management: This plugin can be used to create more complex dialogues, providing your chatbot with the ability to handle multiple turns, context and even more advanced features.

With these plugins, you can add a range of powerful features to your ChatGPT-powered chatbot, making it more accurate, more engaging, and more user-friendly. Whether you’re building a customer service chatbot, a personal assistant, or any other type of chatbot, these plugins can help you take your chatbot to the next level.

11 Powerful ChatGPT plugins to Enrich your ChatPGT Everyday Experience

Open AI ChatGPT, the highly advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has become a popular choice for creating chatbots and other natural language processing (NLP) applications. But with the growing demand for high-quality text content, the web version of ChatGPT may no longer be sufficient for your needs. This is where ChatGPT plugins come in.

AI ChatGPT plugins are web-based tools that provide advanced text content processing using the conversation model of GPT-3.5 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3.5). These plugins make it easy to create text in any language style and cover a wide range of scenarios, from work to everyday life.

Although there are hundreds of them, we chose 11 of the best ChatGPT plugins, browser extensions and tools currently available that can help you take your chatbot or NLP application to the next level:

  1. GPTZero
  2. Everywhere
  3. TweetGPT
  4. YouTube Summary
  5. Whatsapp GPT
  6. WebChatGPT
  7. ChatGPT History
  8. ChatGPT for Search Engines
  9. ChatGPT in Google Docs
  10. Search GPT Shortcut
  11. ChatGPT Writer

By using these ChatGPT plugins, you can add a range of powerful features to your ChatGPT-powered chatbot or NLP application, making it more accurate, more engaging, and more user-friendly. Whether you’re building a customer service chatbot, a personal assistant, or any other type of chatbot, these plugins will help you improve the user experience for your readers.

Further in this article, we will write a few useful bits of information about each plugin mentioned above.

GPTZero: An Academic ChatGPT plugin to Detect Plagiarism

GPTZero, developed by computer science student Edward Tian of Princeton, is a cutting-edge plugin for the popular ChatGPT language model that offers advanced capabilities for identifying and labelling text content.

The ChatGPT plugin, GPTZero, uses advanced machine learning algorithms to “quickly and efficiently” determine whether an essay or other written content was created by a human or by the ChatGPT model.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses and organizations that rely on large amounts of written content, such as news outlets, online publishers, and content marketing agencies. With ChatGPTZero, they can easily identify and flag content that was generated by AI, ensuring that their readers are provided with only high-quality, original content.

In addition, ChatGPTZero can also be used in academic and research settings to help identify AI-generated text and prevent plagiarism. It can also be used in cases where there is a need to identify an AI-generated text and differentiate it from the human-generated text.

The plugin, GPTZero, is also lightweight and efficient, making it perfect for running on small devices such as Raspberry Pi, and it can even run on devices with limited computational power.

Overall, ChatGPTZero is a powerful and versatile plugin that can help businesses, researchers, and individuals to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their text content processing. With its ability to quickly and easily identify AI-generated content, ChatGPTZero is a must-have tool for anyone who relies on large amounts of written content.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Register and Use GPTZero ChatGPT Educator Plugin

As an academic person in the age of ChatGPT, you may be facing challenges in ensuring the authenticity of students’ written work. With the explosion of ChatGPT, it can be difficult to determine if an article, thesis, or report was written by a student or generated by AI.

GPTZero, a powerful ChatGPT plugin, offers a solution to this problem. With its advanced text detection capabilities, GPTZero can quickly and easily identify whether an article or other written content was created by a human or by the ChatGPT model.

To try out GPTZero’s text detection capabilities for yourself, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access the trial page of GPTZero and access the text detection function.
  2. Paste the article or written content into the detection window.
  3. Input the text in the ChatGPT checker. The text must be longer than 5 words (for best results, add at least 10 sentences).
  4. On your keyboard, press the “Ctrl+Enter” keys to start the detection process. For Mac systems, please press “Command+Enter”.

GPTZero is designed to be easy to use and accessible for educators and other professionals who need to verify the authenticity of written work. With its advanced text detection capabilities, GPTZero is an invaluable tool for ensuring the integrity of students’ written work, research papers and other written material. The plugin is also lightweight and efficient, making it perfect for running on small devices such as Raspberry Pi, and it can even run on devices with limited computational power.

Don’t let the challenges of ChatGPT disrupt your work as an educator. Try out GPTZero’s text detection capabilities today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your students’ written work is authentic.

Everywhere: A ChatGPT Chrome Extension Plugin

ChatGPT Everywhere is a powerful Chrome Extension that allows users to access the advanced language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT model from OpenAI, directly from their web browser. This extension makes it easy for users to get answers to their questions, have natural conversations, and receive suggestions for completing sentences and phrases, all while browsing the web.

One of the key features of ChatGPT Everywhere is its ability to ask ChatGPT in a new tab, share the results via a link, ask ChatGPT in the top popup, or even select text and ask ChatGPT in a new tab. This makes it easy to access the power of ChatGPT no matter what you’re doing online.

Additionally, the extension supports a dark mode, which makes it easy to use ChatGPT in low-light conditions. It also allows users to reuse chat sessions to provide better answers, and it supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional).

6 Simple Steps on How to Install and Use ChatGPT Plugin Chrome Extension “Everywhere”

ChatGPT Everywhere is a versatile and powerful extension that allows you to access the advanced language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT model from OpenAI, directly from your web browser.

With the ChatGPT Everywhere Chrome extension, you can easily use ChatGPT to write tweets, stories, and other types of content for social media, or any other place where you can enter text.

Here’s how you can get started with ChatGPT Everywhere Chrome Extension:

  1. Open the download link for the extension.
  2. Click on “Add to Chrome” on the right side of your screen
  3. Follow the installation guide to add the extension to your browser.
  4. Once the extension is installed, you can input your topic anywhere in your browser where you type text.
  5. Right-click on the text field to see the “Ask ChatGPT” button.
  6. Click on the button and you will be able to access the answers and suggestions generated by ChatGPT, helping you to write better and more natural text.

ChatGPT Everywhere is the perfect tool for educators, researchers, and anyone who wants to take advantage of the advanced language processing capabilities of ChatGPT. It’s an easy-to-use and highly convenient extension that makes it easy to access the power of ChatGPT no matter where you are on the web.

Try it out today and experience the convenience and power of having ChatGPT at your fingertips wherever you go. Just be careful to not get addicted to ChatGPT use. There are many users on Reddit who say that they can no longer write their own messages, in their own voice, without using ChatGPT.

Automate your Tweets with TweetGPT: Use ChatGPT pluginon Twitter with this Browser Extension

TweetGPT is a powerful Twitter extension that allows you to use the advanced language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT model from OpenAI to generate tweets. The extension uses the OpenGPT API to create tweets with natural language and style, making it easy to improve your Twitter presence and engage with your followers.

When you open a new tab with Twitter, you will see a robot icon under the tweet section. By clicking on this icon, a new tweet will be generated by the extension. The tweets will be generated in various types such as positive, negative, controversial and etc.

tweetGPT ChatGPT Browser Extension as a part of chatgpt plugins family

For a reply, the extension (chatgpt plugin) will generate a tweet based on the original tweet. For a new tweet, it will write a tweet based on what’s trending right now. This feature allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and engage with your followers in real time.

TweetGPT is an essential tool for social media marketers, content creators, and anyone else looking to improve their Twitter presence. With its advanced language processing capabilities, TweetGPT makes it easy to generate high-quality tweets that are sure to engage and delight your followers.

How to Install Set up and Use tweetGPT Chrome Extension: Easy Steps

Firstly, in order to use the TweetGPT extension, you will need a few things:

Once you have these things, you can install the extension in one of two ways:

TweetGPT Installation from the Chrome Web Store:

  1. Open the extension page in the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Press the “Add to Chrome” button.

TweetGPT Manual Installation:

  1. Clone this repo to your machine
  2. Open chrome://extensions/ in your browser
  3. Check the box for Developer mode in the top right
  4. Press the Load Unpacked button and select the folder with the code

Once the extension is installed, you can start using it right away.

When you open a new tab with Twitter, you will see a tweetGPT chatgpt plugin icon under the tweet section. By clicking on this icon, you will be able to select the type of tweet you want to generate from a list of options such as positive, negative, controversial, etc.

Once you have selected the type of tweet, the extension will generate a new tweet for you. For a reply, it will generate a tweet based on the original tweet, and for a new tweet, it will write a tweet based on what’s trending right now.

To use TweetGPT to reply to a post on Twitter, follow these steps:

  1. Install TweetGPT from the Chrome Extension page
  2. Once installed, go to Twitter and click on the post you want to reply to
  3. Open the Twitter reply box option
  4. Click on the bot button below the reply box
  5. Review your reply as ChatGPT will automatically edit the reply for you.

It’s that easy! With TweetGPT, you can easily generate high-quality tweets that are sure to engage and delight your followers. TweetGPT is a powerful tool for social media marketers, content creators, or just someone looking to improve their Twitter presence.

ChatGPT Glasp YouTube Summary Extension Enables you to Save Time Watching Videos: Get a Quick Video Summary with ChatGPT

ChatGPT Glasp YouTube Summary is a powerful extension (chatgpt plugin) that allows you to use the advanced language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT model from OpenAI to quickly summarize YouTube videos. This extension is designed to save you time and help you learn more efficiently by providing quick and accurate summaries of the videos you’re watching.

The extension is easy to use, simply install it on your Chrome browser, and when you’re watching a video on YouTube, you will see the ChatGPT Glasp YouTube Summary icon, by clicking on the icon you will get a summary of the video in a new tab.

If you’re a YouTuber, ChatGPT Glasp YouTube Summary is an essential tool for you, it will greatly reduce your workload by allowing you to use this plugin to generate text summaries of your videos, thus it helps you to save time and focus on creating content.

How to Install and Set up Youtube Summary ChatGPT Extension in 5 Easy Steps

ChatGPT Glasp YouTube Summary is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to save time and learn more efficiently by quickly summarizing YouTube videos.

  1. Access Youtube Summary Extension Website
  2. Click on “Install on Chrome”
  3. Access the Youtube video publishing page
  4. Activate the ChatGPT Youtube Summary extension and choose a summary that is best for your video
  5. Copy and Paste it to your Youtube video summary – and done.

YouTube Summary makes it easy to get the most out of the videos you watch or publish and to benefit from the advanced language processing capabilities of ChatGPT. Try it out today and experience the convenience and power of having ChatGPT summarize YouTube videos for you.

SendGPT: Use ChatGPT in your WhatsApp to send Messages to Your Contacts

You can access ChatGPT through WhatsApp by using SendGPT and utilize its tremendous power to craft your WhatsApp messages.

WhatsApp Send GPT is a robust tool that allows users to send chat conversations generated by ChatGPT to their friends, family and contacts through WhatsApp. This tool utilizes the advanced language processing capabilities of the ChatGPT model from OpenAI to create natural and engaging chat conversations.

send GPT ChatGPT WhatsApp extension

With WhatsApp Send GPT, a ChatGPT plugin, you can add some novelty and entertainment to your messaging routine by sending witty banter with a celebrity, deep discussions with a historical figure, or humorous interactions with a chatbot with your friends and family. The tool enables you to use the power of ChatGPT to make your conversations more interesting and engaging.

This tool is easy to use, once you have it installed, you will be able to access it directly from the WhatsApp interface, you can initiate the conversation with GPT and copy the generated text and send it to your friend or family.

Easy Steps on Installing and Using Send GPT WhatsApp ChatGPT Tool to Spice up your DMs

  1. Go to WhatsApp Send GPT website
  2. Install Send GPT Extension
  3. Copy your message into your ChatGPT interface
  4. Click on the Send GPT extension
  5. Chose a user to who you want to send this message to
  6. Enjoy!

Watch the full video tutorial here.

WhatsApp Send GPT is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to add some fun and excitement to their messaging routine. Add some novelty to your WhatsApp conversations – using Send GPT makes it easy to use the advanced language processing capabilities of ChatGPT to communicate in a new and exciting way.

Connect ChatGPT to the Internet: Install WebChatGPT Browser Extension

WebChatGPT is a powerful browser extension that enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT by providing access to real-time information from the web. While ChatGPT is an advanced language processing AI model that has a comprehensive knowledge of the internet up to 2021, it can hardly provide answers for information after that date.

WebChatGPT internet search access

With WebChatGPT, you can easily augment your ChatGPT prompts with relevant and up-to-date results from the web, making your conversations more accurate and informative.

3 Easy Steps on Using WebChatGPT ChatGPT Internet Access

WebChatGPT Installation is easy, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the WebChatGPT download link
  2. After successful installation, go to your ChatGPT dashboard
  3. Turn the “Search on the web” button to ON

If you want, you can limit the number of search results shown in your ChatGPT Internet dashboard, as well as the time period of your query and the area of query.

This feature allows you to search for relevant information via the Internet, making your conversations more accurate and up-to-date. With WebChatGPT, you can easily stay informed and engaged in your conversations, no matter what the topic.

internet search results within ChatGPT dashboard using WebChatGPT browser extension

WebChatGPT is an essential tool for anyone who wants to take advantage of the advanced language processing capabilities of ChatGPT while having access to the most recent information from the web.